General Introduction
Gynecology is a comprehensive medical field that examines all kinds of pathologies of the female reproductive organs.
Gynecology encompasses myomas (tumors), cervical diseases, ovarian cysts, polyps, infertility and related treatments, all kinds of genital infections, contraceptive methods, menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea), menstrual disorders, urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, menopause, gynecological cancers, etc.
It also includes routine and annual gynecological exams, smear testing and hpv testing.
What is a Gynecological Examination?
Gynecological exams are an important part of women’s health. Every woman, whether sexually active or not, should see a specialist at least once a year for the gynecological examination.
Women who have had no sexual activity can also schedule a gynecological examination without any problem or discomfort.
It enables early diagnosis and treatment of some diseases, including cancer. Gynecological exams can be performed through abdominal or pelvic examination when necessary.
Gynecological examination:
The gynecological examination can be performed with the beginning of the menstrual period and even before the menstrual period begins in some cases. Girls during the development period or adolescents who have started the menstrual period can undergo a gynecological examination.
The doctor priorly asks the patient to answer some questions. Questions about discharge, pain, menstrual cycle, etc. are of importance for evaluation.
The patient is examined on the gynecological table. At this stage, the physician examines the external genital area and performs pelvic examination and cervical examination in people who are sexually active. An abdominal examination can be performed if the patient is not sexually active.
The gynecological examination includes quite easy and painless procedures. It is completed in 5-15 minutes depending on the patient’s condition.
A gynecological exam is a quick and completely painless procedure. People who will be examined for the first time do not need to feel afraid or hesitant.
When Is the Gynecological Examination Performed?
The gynecological examination should be performed regularly. Women under the age of 21 should schedule an appointment for examination when they experience a complaint or symptom. Women who are sexually active should have their routine checks at least once a year even if they do not have any health problems.
The gynecological examination can be performed at any age in patients who have started the menstrual period or experience problems during this period. The gynecological examination helps protect women’s sexual and reproductive health.
Therefore, it is a vital medical field. The gynecological examination may reveal serious health problems such as cancer or more common health problems such as cystitis.
It enables to prevent and treat serious problems such as infertility.
What is a Pap Smear Test?
A Pap smear is used to screen for cervical cancer. A small swab sample is obtained to determine the presence of malignancy.
All women, whether sexually active or not, should perform a pap smear at least once every six months, if possible, or at least once a year. It is a routine screening test. No pain is felt during the test.