General Introduction
Eye health is of great importance in terms of quality of life. If some eye diseases are not treated early, they may progress to permanent damage, leading to vision loss.
For this reason, it is of great importance to have regular eye examinations and to detect possible diseases in the eyes before they progress. Healthy people should undergo eye screening once a year, and those who have any complaints about eye health should be examined by the Eye Health and Diseases department.
Major Treatments Applied in Our Hospitals and Clinics
*General eye examination
*Cataract surgery
*Retinal diseases and surgery (vitrectomy)
*Glaucoma treatment (eye pressure)
*Strabismus and pediatric eye diseases treatment
*Corneal diseases and corneal transplantation
*Eye aesthetics (Oculoplasty) and uveitis
Cataract Surgery (Phacoemulsification)
Cataract is the opacity and loss of transparency of the eye lens. Cataracts most often develop due to age, and the only treatment is surgery. The most advanced technique in cataract surgery is phacoemulsification, or phaco surgery.
Symptoms of cataracts;
* Our ability to see very fine details is checked by tests consisting of increasingly smaller numbers.
*Gradual decrease in vision
*Sensitivity to light (glare)
*Reading difficulty
* Impaired night vision
*Fading or yellowing in colors
* Frequent change of glasses numbers
Retinal Diseases and Vitrectomy
The retina is the nerve layer at the back of the eye. It enables the image to be transmitted to the brain in the form of electrical signals. Treatment of retinal diseases may differ depending on the stage of the disease. It is often in the form of laser treatment and surgical intervention.
Symptoms of retinal disease:
*Sudden or slow vision loss
*Broken-crooked vision
* Flashes of light
*Dark objects flying in front of the eyes (flying flies)
*Hiding the view
*Temporary and short-term vision loss
*Dark areas in the field of view
Glaucoma (Eye Pressure)
Glaucoma is a disease known as eye pressure among the people and causes vision loss by causing damage to the visual nerve. The disease does not cause any complaints in the early stages, and it is noticed by the patient only when severe damage occurs. The nerve damage that occurs cannot be reversed. Therefore, early detection of glaucoma disease is very important.
Symptoms of glaucoma
* Headaches that become evident in the morning,
* Blurred vision from time to time
* It is the appearance of luminous rings around lights at night.
What Are The Factors That Increase Glaucoma Risk?
*Having a family history of glaucoma (genetic predisposition)
* Being over the age of 35
* Severe anemia or shocks
*High-low systemic blood pressure (body blood pressure)
* High Myopia
*High Hyperopia
* Migraine
* Long-term cortisone therapy
*Eye injuries
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Early diagnosis is very important in the treatment of strabismus. When it is late for the first eye examination, low vision and aesthetic problems can occur for a lifetime. Therefore, children should be examined by an ophthalmologist in the postnatal and early childhood periods, even if they do not have eye complaints.
In the examination;
*Loss of parallelism in the eye
*Double vision
* Blurred vision
* Situations such as turning the head or face to one side can be detected.
Yellow Spot (Age Related Macular Degeneration)
It is a disease of the nerve layer (retina) responsible for central vision. It is a disease that is quite common after the age of 55 and its frequency increases with age and can lead to permanent vision loss as it progresses.
Who gets yellow spot disease?
* Smokers
* Persons over the age of 55
* Those with hereditary risk
Symptoms of the disease
* Vision loss
* Seeing objects, lines crooked or broken
* They darkened in front of you
* Visual quality deterioration
What is Karatoconus?
Keratoconus is a disease caused by thinning and sharpening of the transparent layer of the eye, ie the cornea, with progressive myopia and astigmatism. Generally, patients are aware of the disease that starts in adolescence only in their 20s. The disease progresses between the ages of 20 and 40 and enters a stagnant period after the age of 40.
What are the causes of keratoconus?
Although the cause of keratoconus disease is not known exactly, genetic and mechanical traumas play the most important role in its development.
What are the symptoms of the disease?
*Persistent eye allergy / itching (mild eye irritation)
*Continuous myopia and astigmatism
*Inability to see clearly despite glasses
*Increased sensitivity to light